Can God give me what I need?

Written by: Andrea Jimenez
Imagine God planning in the morning what breakfast he will give to each of the birds and the birds. Something like: I will make this ripe and juicy orange fall at 6:05 a.m. just to feed the woodpecker that lives on 27th Street, 32nd Avenue that will be flying right by here at that time. Imagine the level of detail and precision that goes into providing food for every animal that inhabits this earth. His word says it is like this: »Look at the birds flying in the air. They do not sow or reap or store away seed in barns. Yet everything they need is provided by your Father in heaven. And you are more important than they! - Matthew 6:26-34
What a peace to think that if He does this with them, He is of course aware of all our needs. However, there is a clear difference between them and us and that is that we have the ability to sow, to save, to think and to manage. It seems that God is reminding us that we are much more important than the birds of the sky, but He also leaves a responsibility on our side.
When I started my business I had many doubts, a lot of fear, however, I brought a bottle before God and knocked on the door, God: I have an idea, a project, will you help me? Could you provide?
My trust in God and my action of bringing “the bottle” before Him, probably made God pay attention to me and since He is a provider and I am important to Him, He filled it, He filled the bottle that I had brought and He said to me, “Anything else?” And I told Him I just brought this bottle and He said to me: Oh well, go. It is already full.
When I refer to bringing “the bottle,” I mean that I did my part, I did what I had to do, I risked, I made an effort, I planted, I sacrificed, I worked, and everything that was NOT under my control was taken by God. That is, He did the other part, the most important part, making it work, making it bear fruit. He was in charge of bringing the clients, of making people trust and buy. He had it under His control and He filled that bottle that I had brought with faith that it was my business.
God is unlimited, God is the owner of everything; the universe is in the palm of his hand, he is the creator, and he has the power. We are the ones who are limited, those who decide to bring a small bottle to his feet and despite that, he always gives us much more than we ask for.
If you have a need, if you need something right now, if you have no idea how it will happen but you need God to provide, do your part, bring your jar, your bottle, your container, do your part with faith and God will provide according to His will for your life, but He will never forget to provide you with everything you need, although what you need will not always fit with what you want. Remember, you are more important than the birds of the sky, and the birds of the sky are fed by God Himself, even if you don't have a pantry or have planted anything. How much more will God provide for you if you do your part, if you sow and wait on Him.